At Bizipro, we go beyond our core services to offer additional solutions that help business owners optimize,

streamline, and scale their operations. Consider us your one-stop-shop for business growth and optimization.


At Bizipro, we go beyond our core services to offer additional solutions that help business owners optimize,

streamline, and scale their operations. Consider us your one-stop-shop for business growth and optimization.

Marketing & Social Media Manager

Let's face it; regardless of the industry you are in, it is impossible for business owners to wear every hat.

Maximize your online presence and marketing potential with your own part-time social media manager and marketing assistant. Our skilled professional will expertly manage two social media accounts, curating custom posts and engaging with your audience three times a week to ensure consistent interaction and brand visibility.

Additionally, your VA will be on call to design unlimited marketing materials, including flyers, brochures, and postcards, tailored to your specific needs and objectives. Let your marketing VA do the heavy lifting while you focus on running your


In today's fast-paced digital era, customers demand instant solutions and businesses are constantly in pursuit of ways to enhance their service offerings. With advancements in artificial intelligence, new avenues for exceptional customer support are emerging. One such avenue is the AI chatbot, and at the forefront of this transformation is Bizipro. Dive into how Bizipro is setting new standards in the customer service landscape with Bizibot, and discover how your business can leverage its power to stay ahead in this competitive market.

Ads Manager

Maximize your online advertising & marketing efforts.

Our team of experts is here to develop and handle targeted ad campaigns across various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube and TikTok, ensuring optimal reach, engagement, and conversions. With our Ads Manager service, you can effectively showcase your products or services, boost brand visibility, and attract qualified traffic to your website.

Pair this with our marketing manager to take your lead generation to the next level, consistently driving in more traffic and new leads. Let us be your strategic partner in maximizing your online presence and converting potential leads into loyal customers. Elevate your success with our comprehensive digital marketing solutions tailored to meet your unique business needs.

IDX Websites

Empower Your Real Estate Business: Next-Level IDX Websites for Streamlined Property Searches and Targeted Lead Engagement

Designing professional IDX websites for realtors involves creating an intuitive interface for property searches. Advanced features like user tracking and analytics enable realtors to understand visitor behavior. By leveraging this data, realtors can reach out to leads through SMS, email, or calls directly through the platform, enhancing user experience and increasing deal closures. IDX websites offer benefits beyond property searches, empowering realtors with data-driven insights to nurture leads and drive conversions.

Explainer or Promo Videos

Using Stock Videos, Our Explainer And Promo Videos Provide An Affordable Way To Communicate Complex Ideas Or Promote Your Business Offerings.

They effectively convey your message to your audience, be it explaining business concepts, product demos, or customer testimonials. We provide visually stunning and engaging videos that captivate viewers and leave a lasting impression. Promo videos will not only help you stand out from the competition, but also increase brand awareness, drive customer engagement, and ultimately boost your business growth.

Bizi Ads AI

Introducing Our Revolutionary Ads AI: A Game-Changer In Digital Advertising! With Three Clicks, Easily Place Facebook and Google Ads, Saving Time And Simplifying The Process.

Our cutting-edge AI technology puts the power back in your hands and takes the guesswork out of copywriting and headline creation, ensuring compelling and effective ad content. Say goodbye to hours spent deciphering Facebook ads intricacies or hefty fees paid to ads managers. We empower business owners by putting the control back in their hands, streamlining the ads placement and lead generation process. Experience the future of advertising simplicity with our Ads AI feature – because your time and business growth matter!

Digital Loyalty Cards

Grow Your Local Business with Repeat Customers. Get a 2X increase in return rates and 30% increase in revenue with digital reward cards!

Digital loyalty cards for your customers for Apple or Google Wallet are an incredible way to keep them coming back. Whether it's through earning points, stamps, discounts, certifications, cash back, or coupons, digital loyalty cards are an excellent method to enhance customer return rates and boost your ROI. Using tools like reminders allows you to send manual push notifications whenever you want. Or, with the GEO tracking feature, you can auto-send push notifications straight to users' lock screens when they're around 330 feet from your business. It's all about getting them engaged right on time and building a stronger connection with your brand.

Marketing & Social Media Manager

Let's face it; regardless of the industry you are in, it is impossible for business owners to wear every hat.

Maximize your online presence and marketing potential with your own part-time social media manager and marketing assistant. Our skilled professional will expertly manage two social media accounts, curating custom posts and engaging with your audience three times a week to ensure consistent interaction and brand visibility.

Additionally, your VA will be on call to design unlimited marketing materials, including flyers, brochures, and postcards, tailored to your specific needs and objectives. Let your marketing VA do the heavy lifting while you focus on running your


In today's fast-paced digital era, customers demand instant solutions and businesses are constantly in pursuit of ways to enhance their service offerings. With advancements in artificial intelligence, new avenues for exceptional customer support are emerging. One such avenue is the AI chatbot, and at the forefront of this transformation is Bizipro. Dive into how Bizipro is setting new standards in the customer service landscape with Bizibot, and discover how your business can leverage its power to stay ahead in this competitive market.

Ads & Digital Marketing Manager

Maximize your online advertising & marketing efforts.

Our team of experts is here to develop and handle targeted ad campaigns across various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube and TikTok, ensuring optimal reach, engagement, and conversions. With our Ads Manager service, you can effectively showcase your products or services, boost brand visibility, and attract qualified traffic to your website.

Pair this with our marketing manager to take your lead generation to the next level, consistently driving in more traffic and new leads. Let us be your strategic partner in maximizing your online presence and converting potential leads into loyal customers. Elevate your success with our comprehensive digital marketing solutions tailored to meet your unique business needs.

IDX Websites

Empower Your Real Estate Business: Next-Level IDX Websites for Streamlined Property Searches and Targeted Lead Engagement

Designing professional IDX websites for realtors involves creating an intuitive interface for property searches. Advanced features like user tracking and analytics enable realtors to understand visitor behavior. By leveraging this data, realtors can reach out to leads through SMS, email, or calls directly through the platform, enhancing user experience and increasing deal closures. IDX websites offer benefits beyond property searches, empowering realtors with data-driven insights to nurture leads and drive conversions.

Explainer or Promo Videos

Using Stock Videos, Our Explainer And Promo Videos Provide An Affordable Way To Communicate Complex Ideas Or Promote Your Business Offerings.

They effectively convey your message to your audience, be it explaining business concepts, product demos, or customer testimonials. We provide visually stunning and engaging videos that captivate viewers and leave a lasting impression. Promo videos will not only help you stand out from the competition, but also increase brand awareness, drive customer engagement, and ultimately boost your business growth.

Bizi Ads AI

Introducing Our Revolutionary Ads AI: A Game-Changer in Digital Advertising! With Three Clicks, Easily Place Facebook and Google Ads, Saving Time and Simplifying the Process.

Our cutting-edge AI technology puts the power back in your hands and takes the guesswork out of copywriting and headline creation, ensuring compelling and effective ad content. Say goodbye to hours spent deciphering Facebook ads intricacies or hefty fees paid to ads managers. We empower business owners by putting the control back in their hands, streamlining the ads placement and lead generation process. Experience the future of advertising simplicity with our Ads AI feature – because your time and business growth matter!

Digital Loyalty Cards

Grow Your Local Business with Repeat Customers. Get a 2X increase in return rates and 30% increase in revenue with digital reward cards!

Digital loyalty cards for your customers for Apple or Google Wallet are an incredible way to keep them coming back. Whether it's through earning points, stamps, discounts, certifications, cash back, or coupons, digital loyalty cards are an excellent method to enhance customer return rates and boost your ROI. Using tools like reminders allows you to send manual push notifications whenever you want. Or, with the GEO tracking feature, you can auto-send push notifications straight to users' lock screens when they're around 330 feet from your business. It's all about getting them engaged right on time and building a stronger connection with your brand.

© Copyright 2024. Bizipro LLC. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2024. Bizipro LLC. All rights reserved.